120+ traditional Sepedi names for boys and girls and their meanings

The Sepedi language is a Bantu language spoken by the natives of Botswana, Lesotho, and Southern Africa. Sepedi names offer and represent the ideas of the Pedi elders and have a rich cultural and traditional background.

The Pedi people take the custom of baby names seriously since they think that names affect a person's personality. Their gender-specific names are chosen after considerable discussion with numerous family elders. Look through the Sepedian or Sepedi clan names to choose the one your child would like.

Sepedi naming rites

The Sepedi people perform several rites and rituals after a baby is born. The father is doused in water if his firstborn is a girl and hit with a stick if the firstborn is a boy.

The ceremony implies that boys spend their lives engaged in combat while girls spend their lives in domestic tasks like fetching water. Also, the child is isolated in a hut with the mother for up to three months.

120+ traditional Sepedi names for boys and girls

Names are more than just words in Lesotho. A baby's name may refer to the day she was born or to a quality her parents hope she will possess. It not only serves as a means of identification but also establishes the child's character traits.

Sepedi boy names

If you are expecting or have welcomed a girl into your family, here are fantastic Sepedi names and their meanings to consider.

  • Addington: Edda's town
  • Amohelang: Receive
  • Atlarela: Receive gladly with open hands
  • Dino: Spearman
  • Fefo: Storm or tempest
  • Fenya: Conquer
  • Hlano: Five
  • Jeso: God is my Salvation
  • Lebogo: Giving thanks
  • Lebohang: Be thankful
  • Lerumo: Blade/ the edge of a spear
  • Letsatsi: Sun
  • Letsatsi: Sun/Day
  • Lewatle: Ocean
  • Litsehoana: Little laughter
  • Nku: Sheep
  • Pheijna: Youngest child
  • Potso: Ask
  • Pule: In the Rain
  • Rapula: Giver of Rain
  • Reaotlotla: We praise his name
  • Rethabile: We are happy
  • Sello: Sad
  • Setene: Styrene
  • Sontaha: Sunday

Popular Sepedi names for girls

Below is a list of common Sepedi names for girls. Always go for a good name that your baby girl will be proud of.

  • Arabang: Reply
  • Atile: Increasing family
  • Ausi: Sister
  • Baatsheba: Wife of King David
  • Basetsana: Ladies
  • Benya: To shine
  • Bertha: Bright
  • Bina: Freshness
  • Bokang: Rejoice
  • Bongi: Thanks
  • Bonolo: Ease
  • Buang: Fun
  • Diabolo: Praises
  • Dineo: Gifts/Talents
  • Dintle: Beauty
  • Dipuo: Rumour
  • Futsana: To look alike
  • Lebadi: Birthmark
  • Lebone: Light
  • Letsha: Nature
  • Libiko: Praises
  • Lindelani: Be Patient
  • Lineo: Grants
  • Lisebo: Whisper
  • Liseho: Laughter
  • Naleli: Star
  • Nthabiseng: Make me happy
  • Ntsoaki: Girl amongst boys
  • Nyakalo: Joy
  • Palesa: Flower
  • Pula: Rain
  • Ramatla: Strength
  • Ramatla: Strength
  • Ratsebo: Knowledge
  • Sesi: Sister

Sepedi names starting with K

If you prefer a cool name, here are amazing names starting with the letter K.

  • Kabelo: Inheritance, given
  • Kamohelo: Acceptance, a welcome
  • Kananelo: Approval, appreciation
  • Karabo: Answer
  • Katleho: Success
  • Kekeletso: Addition
  • Kelebohile: I am grateful
  • Keneiloe/Keneoue/Keneuwe: I have been given
  • Keneoue: I have been given
  • Kerefese: From the English name Griffiths
  • Keromang: One who was sent
  • Kgethang: Choose
  • Kgotso/Khotso: Peace, tranquility
  • Khabane: Valuable, precious warrior
  • Khauhelo/Kgauhelo: Compassion, pity
  • Khethang: Choose
  • Khosi: King
  • Khothatso: Encouragement
  • Khotsofalang: Be satisfied
  • Kotsi: Danger, accident
  • Kutloano/Kutlwano: Mutual understanding
  • Kutloisiso/Kutlwisiso: Understanding
  • Kweda: Crocodile

Cool Sepedi names starting with M

A child's future self can be profoundly influenced by the name you give them. Check out this list of fantastic names for your baby, starting with M.

  • Manto: The dark one
  • Masimong: At the field
  • Mathapelo: Mother of prayer
  • Matla: Strength
  • Matseliso: Consolation
  • Matsimela: Roots
  • Mesea: Smoke
  • Mohavi: Victor
  • Moipone: Self-admirer
  • Mojalefa: Heir
  • Mokhachane: Moshoeshoe's father (historic)
  • Mokhasi: The one who crawls
  • Mokhethi/Mokgethi: The one who will choose
  • Molahlehi: The lost one
  • Molapo: Name of a Basotho chief, meaning stream, river
  • Molise: A short form of Molisana
  • Moluleloa: We have long awaited your arrival
  • Monaheng: One of the ancestral chiefs (historic)
  • Mosa: Grace
  • Mosela: Tail
  • Moshoeshoe: South African King
  • Mosiuoa: The abandoned one
  • Motlalepule: The rain bringer
  • Motle: Beautiful
  • Motsamai: Traveller
  • Motsumi: The seeker
  • Mphafane: Praiser
  • Mpho: Gift, present
  • Mponeng: Behold me, admire me
  • Mutloanyana: Little rabbit

Sepedi names starting with O

While O is not always a popular letter, several names in the Sepedi culture start with the letter O. They include:

  • Oagile/Oatile: The household has been firmly built
  • Oarabile: Beautiful one
  • Oarona: Ours
  • Olebogeng: Given grace
  • Olerato: Love
  • Omphemetse: He has promised
  • Omphile: Given
  • Onkarabile: The thankful one
  • Ontiretse: He has protected
  • Oratile: He who is loved
  • Otsile: He has ended/finished
  • Oupa: Grandfather
  • Oupanyana: Small grandfather

Unique Sepedi names starting with T

A child's unique personality can be defined by their fancy names, which is a blessing. Below is a list of perfect elegant names starting with the letter T.

  • Tebatso: Destruction
  • Tebello: Expectation
  • Teboho: Gratitude
  • Thabang: Be happy
  • Thabiso: Joy bringer
  • Thabo: Happiness
  • Thapeli: Appeal
  • Thapelo: Prayer, plea
  • Thato: Love
  • Thebe: Shield
  • Thoriso: Praise
  • Thuso: Help
  • Thuto: Lesson
  • Tiisetso: Perseverance
  • Tlali: Lightning
  • Tlhokomelo: Care
  • Tlotliso: Honourable
  • Topollo: Emancipation, release, make free
  • Tsebo: Knowledge
  • Tsela: Path
  • Tselane: Traditional fable name
  • Tshediso: Consolation
  • Tshepiso: Promise
  • Tshepo: Hope
  • Tsie: Locust
  • Tsietsi: Predicament, dilemma
  • Tsotang: Amazement, astonishment
  • Tsweu: White one
  • Tuma: Immortal
  • Tumelo: Believe/Faith
  • Tumisang: Give praise

What does the name Opelong mean?

Opelong is a Tswana name that means "In my heart you reside."

What is a blessing in Setswana?

The name Lesego name is an adjective that means "fortunate" and a noun that means luck or blessing in Setswana.

What does Bokang mean in Setswana?

In Setswana, "Bokang" is a name for girls, and it means "Rejoice" or "Be happy."

Is Letlotlo a boy's or a girl's name?

"Letlotlo" is a unisex name in Setswana, which means that it can be used for both boys and girls. The name signifies "Love" or "Affection."

These are some of the most popular Sepedi names with their meanings for your child. The Pedi people have one of the most beautiful African cultures, and their names are unique.

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